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Little Statistics:

In Germany people consume 9.5 Lb of honey per capita; in the USA people consume 1.5 Lb of honey per capita. With 365 hamburgers and sadwiches and 52 pizzas per year the honey consumption in America is astonioshingly little.

1.5 Lb honey is less than the amount of Tylenol we use throughout the year.

We cannot guarantee that consuming honey will increase the lenght of your life, but will improve the quality of your life.


Fun Facts:

Bees must visit approximately 2 million flowers to make 1 lb of honey.

Bees have to fly over 55,000 miles to make 1lb of honey

On avarage a worker bee will make 1/12 teaspon of honey in her lifetme.

Two tablespoons of honey would fuel a honey bee flying around the world.

Honey bees will visit between 50-100 flowers during one nectar collection trip

Norsemen sweetened their beer with Honey

80% of the pollination of the fruits, vegetables and seed crops in the US is accomplished by honeybees.

Honey stored in air tight container never spoils. Sealed honey vats were found in king Tuts tomb and still contained edible honey, despite over 2 000 years beneath the sands.

There are three types of bees in the hive - Queen, Worker and Drone. Drones have no stinger. They do no real work. Their only purpose is to mate with virgin queens.

A queen is the largest bee in the hive. She can lay up to  2,000 eggs per day, twice her own body weight per day.

Egyptians would used honey as a form of payment, like the Aztect used cocoa.

It takes 50,000 bees to produce 500 pounds of honey in one year!

Honeybees fly at 15 miles per hour.

Honebees wings stroke 11, 400 times per minute, thus makinf their discincitve buzz.

Honeybees are the only insect that produce food for humans.

Honeybees will usually travel approximately 3 miles from their hive.

Honeybees are the only bees that die after they sting.

Honeybees have 5 eyes, 3 small ones on top of the head and 2 big ones in front. They also have hair on their eyes!

Bees communicate with each other by dancing and by using pheromones (scents)

Honebees never Sleep!

To make 1 lb of honey the bees in the colony must visit 2 million flowers, fly over 55,000 miles and will be the lifetime work of approximately 300 bees.

Bees produce honey as food stores for the hive during the long months of the winter when flowers are not blooming and therefore little or no nectar is available to them.

A typical beehive can make up to 400 pounds of honey per year.

Out of 20 000 species of bees, only 4 make honey.

A populous colony may contain 40,000 to 60,000 bees during the late spring or early summer.

A honeycomb cell has six sides.

Bees mentain a temperature of 92-93 degrees Fareinheit in their central brood nest regardless of whether the outside temperature is 110 or -40 degrees.



Other Uses Of Honey :

Mead ( Honey wine) is believes to be one of the oldest forms of alcoholic beverages. Many different societies produced and drank mead and its importante can be found in various countries including India, Ethiopia, Greece and many others.

Have ALERGIES? Take a teaspoon a day of a honey made from the region where you reside and it will aid in developing resistance to pollen thereby reducing your allergies. This works in animals too. Not a teaspoon, but a little dollop in their mouth can help an animals environmental allergies.

Honey is natural energy restorer. NEED A QUICK BOOST? Try a teaspoon of honey in warm water. This will not only restore your energy, but it will help your digestive track too. Many current studies have promoted the intake of honey for athlets.

Ancient texts claim that honey may help to cure diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, and hearth. Another interesting cure in many of the ancient medical texts is that of treating eye problems with a honey salve. Honey was used to treat conjuctiva, styes, swelling, cataracts, and eyesores.

One of the most common historical uses of honey was for the treatment of wounds. Honey was used as a salve either alone or mixed with fat. Because of its antibiotic properties, it was said to head dead tissues and ulcers. The natural sugar concetration in honey is so high that no bacteria can live in. Honey was ofter used to treat gun shot wounds not onlu because of its bactericidal properties, but also because the consistency prohibited air and irritants from entering the wound, and in many cases it was more accessible than other forms of treatment. Honey has even been used in hospitals as a dressing for wounds, burns and cuts!

Honey will also prevent scarring.

Honey has many good uses from cooking to helping skin heal! It helps dissovle mucus when you have a cold. Hot tea with lemon and honey works wonders.


